


Single tax rate

1621 residents

IT Park Residents

270 from 40 countries

Companies with foreign capital IT Park

The IT industry is undoubtedly the most dynamic and fastest growing economic sector, which offers the highest salaries, employs young people and creative people, digitally transforms the whole society. The information and communication technology industry has become one of the engines of economic growth. As expected, the incentives provided by the innovative IT virtual park legislation (7% single tax on turnover) gave a significant boost to the development of the ICT sector.

Moldova IT Park ( is the first information technology park operating in Chisinau. Moldova IT Park was recognized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as one of the best global practices in the promotion and development of the IT ecosystem. The award was given during the ITU Telecom World 2019 held in Budapest, Hungary.

In 2023, the total number of employees was 21,283 and the revenue from sales was 12,6 billion lei.

Economic data regarding Moldova IT Park for the year 2023:

  • Sales revenue – 12.6 billion lei
  • Total number of employees – 21,283 persons
  • The share of resident companies’ turnover in the country’s GDP – 4.2%
  • Taxes and fees paid by residents – 1.3 billion lei

Top 5 exported services in 2023:

  • Custom software development – 59% (6.635 million lei)
  • Data processing, web page management, and related activities – 21% (2.246 million lei)
  • IT consulting – 11% (1.174 million lei)
  • Editing of other software products – 3% (335 million lei)
  • Video game editing services – 1% (131 million lei)