The main reasons to
Invest in Chisinau
European city
About Chisinau
Chisinau, the capital of the Republic of Moldova is the main administrative, economic, scientific and cultural center with its own symbolism: coat of arms and flag
571,6 km2
The territory of the municipality
665,5 K

880 million potential customers, tariff-free market
Strategic Sectors in Chisinau
Discover the city of Chisinau
Investment Map
The City Hall of Chisinau has developed the Investment Map that contains profiles from the real estate, land, infrastructure, social-educational, leisure fields, as well as opportunities for public-private partnerships, with reference to the modernization of the public lighting network, electronic ticketing, the development of the parking network , streamlining traffic by including alternative transport, solid waste management and others.
View Map Investment ProfilesTop companies in the world that have already invested in Chisinau
Chisinau is the dominant city of the country where more than half of the country's economy is concentrated, a quarter of the population and it is an extraordinary launching pad for any investment